Photography adventures

Brought my trusty camera to work yesterday, expecting to go out to dinner with a friend. When that plan fell through, I decided to make the best out of it anyways. Took the metro blue line back to my house yesterday and transferred to a bus, snapping shots along the way. The most interesting shots I got all night were actually just right down the block from my house, but I'll get to that part later. Here are a few pictures of the area surrounding the metro station.

I've decided to call this one a self non-portrait, because it is a picture of myself but it is a.) landscape, b.) not a picture of my face. I know, I know, I'm so revolutionary. Oh wait, this is something any hipster out there with a lomo or an iPhone application out there would do. Sue me.

Thanks to the low maintenance of our city government, most of our public equipment are old and badly maintained or just cheap and badly maintained in general. In this case, it actually worked out because the warped edges of the mirror has created some pretty cool shapes.

From here I headed home, and get ready for some weird shots with lots of glare and exposure and light trails. No, these aren't meant to be super artistic or skilled, I just had a lot of fun with them and hope it brings some form of viewing pleasure.

This shot was a complete accident. I had the exposure set decently high and was just trying to get a picture of that star (planet?) in the middle, but ended up capturing the motion of the trees swaying rather violently in the wind. I'm pretty happy with this one.

This one was also an accident. I was just trying to get the star and the sky contrasted against the clouds when a car sped by - high exposure does some pretty wonky stuff.

Another one of my self non-portraits. I love snapping as I go. Didn't plan this one at all.

Mirror shot self portraits. I think those two work pretty well as a set. Don't you?

The street side of my house/our community row. Those orbs have always fascinated me, and because our house is located on a hill there is a nice curve that you can see here.

The security guard of my neighborhood noticed me taking pictures and came over and pointed out these two little lovely things cuddled together sleeping. Was absolutely adorable.

And here's a last shot of the crossroads in front of my house. The sky was a fascinating color already on its own, but the back lit clouds (thank you, light pollution) bring an extra little something into it.

Going to the Shida night market with Cathleen and Fisher tonight after work to get some Russian food. Hopefully I'll get some good shots over there as well.


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